Jupyter notebook is a web application to create and share documents. Please check the user guide for more details: One of those tools is jupyter notebook that will be used to run python code. Open Anaconda navigation to check the tools that it provides: General details of how to install Anaconda, can be found here Anaconda - Usage on the middle of the page click on Linux follow the instruction on the page Linux download "Python 3.7 version" 32-bit or 64-bit. on the middle of the page click on Windows follow the instructions on either of these pages: on the middle of the page click on macOS

To overcome the issue of outdated and/or multiple versions of python, we will use anaconda to install python version 3.x, and to run jupyter notebooks (explained later).

Python is already installed on MAC and Linux machines. (Acknowledgment: This is a slightly modified version of instructions by Faras Sadek of SEAS Computing) Python